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Hotel and Restaurant Management B.S., Business Minor Auburn University


Pursuing a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management academically sharpened within me a passion for serving others through hospitality. Knowing my love for both fresh food and quality time with people, I immediately felt at home in the HRMT program. 


Related Coursework: Food Production, Hospitality Marketing, Hospitality Law, Strategic Management, Science of Quality Service



Study Abroad:
Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy

Over the course of twelve weeks, the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program provides an International Minor degree through Italian cultural immersion classes. I enjoyed local lecturers share on topics ranging from architecture, art history, and culinary tradtion to Italian literature, music, and lifestyle. Additionally, throughout the semester our group traveled throughout the country experiencing the difference of culture between Northern and Southern Italy. 



Food Production Class: Final project to develop menu, prepare food, and serve 30 guest luncheon.

Caprese Stack salads with housemade

Balsamic Reduction.

Participating in the fall harvest of the grapes at Marco Carpineti Organic Winery in Lazio Region, Italy.

Day trip to Rome, Italy. Tour of the Colosseum. 

Weekly visits to the Monday market in our small town of Ariccia. Lots of fresh produce, meats, cheeses and nuts available from around the region. 

Pan fried chicken with pesto penne pasta

and grilled vegetables. 

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